Colloquia 2004/2005

Fall quarter schedule
Winter quarter schedule
Spring quarter schedule
LPS Homepage

All colloquia take place on Friday at 3pm in SST 777 (GPACS Conference room),
unless otherwise noted.

For further information about a talk listed below, click on the title.

See also:
Philosophy Department Colloquia
or look at past colloquia.


Fall Quarter, 2004:

Date Speaker Title
October 8
Tim Shanahan
Loyola Marymount  University, Los Angeles 
"Why Don't Zebras Have Machine Guns? Recent (and Not so Recent) Work on Adaptationism and Constraint"
October 22 Mark Balaguer
California State University, Los Angeles
"Indexical Propositions and De Re Belief Ascriptions"
November 5 Brian Woodcock
University of California, Irvine
"Problems and Pseudo-Problems for Hyperplane Dependence"
December 3 Chris Smeenk
University of California, Los Angeles
"Fine Tuning Problems in Cosmology"
December 10
Richard Zach
University of Calgary; UCI  Visiting Fellow
"How to Argue For and Against a Logic of Vagueness"

Winter Quarter, 2005:

Date Speaker Title
January 14
Paul Pietroski
University of Maryland
"Human Syntax, and Why Philosophers Should Care"
January 28
Heidi Maibom
Carleton University
"Moral Unreason: The Case of Psychopathy"
February 11
Peter Koellner
Harvard University
"On Some Recent Developments in the Search for New Axioms"
February 16
day; 3 pm
Jeremy Butterfield
All Soul's College, Oxford

"Relationism and the Rigid Body: Counting Possibilities in Mechanics"
March 4

Ben Escoto
University of California, Irvine

"A Bayesian Approach to Probability Coordination"
March 16
non-standard  day; 3 pm
Don Fallis
University of Arizona

"Epistemic Value Theory and Judgment Aggregation: From the Doctrinal Paradox to the Lottery Paradox?"
March 18
James Woodward
California Institute of Technology

"Causation with a Human Face"

Spring Quarter, 2005

Date Speaker Title
April 22
Sherrilyn Roush
Rice University

"Knowledge of Logical Truth"
May 13
Steven Downes
University of Utah

"The Animal Within: The Application of Animal Behavior Models in the Explanation of Human Behavior"
May 20
Simon Huttegger
University of Salzburg; UCI Visiting Student
"Efficient Social Contracts and Population Growth"
May 27
Gila Sher
University of California, San Diego
"Epistemic Friction: A Neo-Quinean Model"
June 3 Charles Parsons
Harvard University; UCLA
"The Problem of Absolute Universality"
June 20
day; 3 pm
Michael Strevens
"Scientists Don’t Know What Their Own Theories Say...
and It’s a Good Thing Too

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