Kenneth A. Taylor
Stanford University
"What's in a Name?"
In this paper, I argue that names are anaphoric devices of a quite
peculiar sort. In particular, I argue that to be a name is to be
an expression type N such that any two tokens of N are guaranteed to be co-referential. I say that co-typical name tokens are
explicitly co-referential. Explicit co-reference is sharply
distinguished from what I call coincidental co-reference. Two name
tokens which are not co-typical can refer to the same object, and
thus be co-referential, without being explicitly co-referential. For
example, tokens of 'Hesperus' and tokens of 'Phosphorous' co-refer
but are not explicitly co-referential. The fact that tokens of
'Hesperus' one and all refer to Venus is entirely independent of the
fact that tokens of 'Phosphorus' one and all refer to Venus. Indeed,
I take it to be a correlative truth about names, a truth partly
definitive of the lexical-syntactic character of names, that when m and
n are distinct names, they are referentially independent.
Referential independence means, roughly, that no name is subject to
the interpretive/referential control of any other name in the sense
that no structural or lexical relation between distinct names m and
n can guarantee that if m refers to o
then n refers to o as well. I
argue that appreciating the explicit co-referentiality of co-typical
name tokens and the referential independence of type distinct names
is the key to understanding several puzzling phenomena that have long
concern philosophers of language. Among these puzzling phenomena, I
include Frege's puzzle about the possibility of informative identity
statements, the failure of co-referring names to be
intersubstitutable in propositional attitude contexts, and puzzles
about empty and/or fictional names.
Friday, October 19, 2001
SST 777
3 pm
Refreshments will be served