Juliet Floyd
Boston University
"Wittgenstein's Remarks on Gödel?"
1) A survey of historical evidence currently available concerning
Wittgenstein�s attitude toward, and knowledge of, G�del�s first
incompleteness theorem, including his discussions with Turing, Watson and
others in 1937-1939, and later testimony of Goodstein and Kreisel, as well
as some recently discovered 1941 remarks of Wittgenstein's on
w-inconsistency and "self-reference"; 2) Discussion of the philosophical and
historical importance of Wittgenstein�s attitude toward G�del�s and other
theorems in mathematical logic; 3) Replies to an instructive criticism of my
early 1995 treatment of topics 1) and 2) by Mark Steiner, focussing on the
importance of Tarski�s semantical work, both for our understanding of
Wittgenstein�s remarks on G�del, and our understanding of G�del�s theorem
itself. 4) Comments on recent work with Putnam on the philosophical
significance of Wittgenstein's remarks on G�del.
Tuesday, March 5,2002
SST 777
3 pm
Refreshments will be served